Ministry Of Power 2024: Bid Invitation for HT and MS Steel Angles and Galvanized MS Sheets जाने Sampurnjankari.

Ministry Of Power 2024: This is a work in progress bid document for the tender issued by Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd. Here are the key details.

Ministry Of Power 2024
Ministry Of Power 2024

Ministry Of Power 2024: Bid Details

  • Bid Number: GEM/2024/B/5119741
  • Date: 29-07-2024
  • Bid End Date/Time: 19-08-2024 16:00:00
  • Bid Opening Date/Time: 19-08-2024 16:30:00
  • Bid Offer Validity: 180 days from the bid end date

Ministry and Department

  • Ministry/State Name: Ministry Of Power
  • Name of the Department: Power Grid Corporation of India Limited
  • Organization Name: Power Grid Corporation of India Limited
  • Office Name: Corporate Office Gurgaon

Ministry Of Power 2024: Item Details

  • Total Quantity: 285,988
  • Item Category:
    • HT Steel angles of various dimensions
    • MS Steel angles of various dimensions
    • Galvanized MS sheet of various dimensions

Document Requirements

  • Experience Criteria
  • Bidder Turnover
  • Certificate (Requested in ATC)
  • Compliance of BoQ specification and supporting documents

Note: If seeking exemption from experience/turnover criteria, supporting documents must be uploaded for evaluation.

Consignee Details

  1. Consignee Name: Babrubahan Nanda
    • Address: Power Grid Corporation of India Limited, 400/220 POWER GRID Namkum Substation, Vill: Rajaulatu, Po: Namkom, Ranchi, Jharkhand – 834010
    • Quantity: 6,851
    • Delivery Days: 180 days

Important Link

For more details and to participate in the bid, visit the GeM portal.
GeM-Bidding-pdf GeM-Bidding-6595723
More Information Click Here


Ministry Of Power 2024: Make sure to review all requirements carefully and submit all necessary documentation by the deadlines specified. if you liked our information, please like it and share it with your other friends! Good luck

Also read:- Ministry Of Railways 2024: Tender Notice for Supply of Executive Tables (V2) – Bid Number GEM/2024/B/5328058 जाने Sampurnjankari.

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