Government Tender 2024: Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change Services Bid जाने Sampurnjankari.

Government Tender 2024: This is the detailed bid document related to the procurement process. The main details are given here.

Government Tender 2024
Government Tender 2024

Government Tender 2024: Bid Information

  • Bid Number: GEM/2024/B/5240897
  • Bid End Date/Time: 23-08-2024 14:00:00
  • Bid Opening Date/Time: 23-08-2024 14:30:00
  • Bid Offer Validity: 60 days from the end date

Organization Details

  • Name of the Ministry/State: Ministry of Climate Change and Environment Forest
  • Department Name: Not specified
  • Organization Name: Zoological Survey of India (ZSI)
  • Office Name: Zoological Survey of India HQ Kolkata
  • Item Category: Custom Bid for Services – Hiring one Driver and one Sweeper

    Document Requirements from Seller

    • Experience Criteria
    • Bidder Turnover
    • Certificate (Requested in ATC)
    • Additional Documents 1-4 (Requested in ATC)
    • Note: If a bidder wants exemption from Experience/Turnover criteria, he/she has to upload supporting documents to prove his/her eligibility for exemption.

    Government Tender 2024: Consignees/Reporting Officer

    • Consignee: Anil Kumar
    • Address: Gangetic Plains Regional Centre, Zoological Survey of India, Vijay Nagar Sector -8, Bahadurpur Housing Colony, 800026
    • Reporting Officer: N/A
    • Quantity: 1 (indicates project-based or lump-sum based hiring)

    Important Link

    For more details and to participate in the bid, visit the GeM portal.
    GeM-Bidding-pdf GeM-Bidding-6728845
    More Information Click Here


    Government Tender 2024: If you need help with any specific part of the bid process or document, just let me know, if you liked our information, please like it and share it with your other friends! Good luck!

    Also read:- Government Procurement Notice 2024: Office Furniture Bid for Ministry of Finance जाने Sampurnjankari.

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