Ministry Of Railways 2024: Tender Notice for Supply of Executive Tables (V2) – Bid Number GEM/2024/B/5328058 जाने Sampurnjankari.

Ministry Of Railways 2024: It has provided the details related to the bid or tender notice. The details of the information are as follows.

Ministry Of Railways 2024
Ministry Of Railways 2024

Ministry Of Railways 2024: Bid Information

  • Bid Number: GEM/2024/B/5328058
  • Bid Date: 26-08-2024
  • Bid End Date/Time: 05-09-2024 11:00:00
  • Bid Opening Date/Time: 05-09-2024 11:30:00
  • Bid Offer Validity: 90 Days from the End Date

Organization Details

  • Ministry/State Name: Ministry Of Railways
  • Department Name: Indian Railways
  • Organization Name: East Central Railway
  • Office Name: ECR Stores

Ministry Of Railways 2024: Item Details

  • Total Quantity: 3
  • Item Category: Executive Table (V2) (Q3)

Documents Required from Seller

  • Experience Criteria
  • Past Performance
  • Bidder Turnover
  • OEM Authorization Certificate
  • OEM Annual TurnoverIf a bidder seeks exemption from Experience/Turnover Criteria, they must upload supporting documents to prove eligibility for exemption.

Consignee Details

  1. Consignee: Chandrashekhar Singh
    • Address: SSE/BR/MGR at Khagaria, North Railway Colony, Near Microwave Office
    • Quantity: 3
    • Delivery Days: 45

Important Link

For more details and to participate in the bid, visit the GeM portal.
GeM-Bidding-pdf GeM-Bidding-6825117
More Information Click Here


Ministry Of Railways 2024: If you have any specific questions about this bid or need assistance with a particular aspect, feel free to ask, if you liked our information, please like it and share it with your other friends! Good luck

Also read:- Ministry Of Power 2024: Bid Invitation for HT and MS Steel Angles and Galvanized MS Sheets जाने Sampurnjankari.

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