Tender Notice 2024: Procurement of 16 Tricycles/Rickshaws for Block Office Bibhutipur जाने Sampurnjankari.

Tender Notice 2024: This information appears to be related to a government tender or bid. Below is a structured description of the key information.

Tender Notice 2024
Tender Notice 2024

Tender Notice 2024: Bid Summary

  • Bid Number: GEM/2024/B/5326974
  • Bid Date: 25-08-2024
  • Bid End Date/Time: 05-09-2024, 11:00 AM
  • Bid Opening Date/Time: 05-09-2024, 11:30 AM
  • Bid Offer Validity: 105 days (from the Bid End Date)

Ministry/Department Details

  • Ministry/State: Bihar
  • Department: Rural Development Department Bihar
  • Organisation: Rural Development Department
  • Office: Block Office Bibhutipur

Tender Notice 2024: Bid Requirements

  • Total Quantity: 16
  • Item Category: Tricycle or Rickshaw (Q3)

Documents Required from Seller

  • Experience Criteria
  • Past Performance
  • Bidder Turnover
  • Certificate (as requested in ATC)
  • OEM Annual Turnover
  • Compliance of BoQ specification and supporting documents

Note: If the bidder is seeking exemption from Experience/Turnover Criteria, relevant supporting documents must be uploaded.

Consignee/Reporting Officer Details

  • Consignee/Officer: Nitish Kumar
  • Address: Pateliya, Bibhutipur, Samastipur, 848211
  • Quantity: 16 units
  • Delivery Days: 45 days

Important Link

For more details and to participate in the bid, visit the GeM portal.
GeM-Bidding-pdf GeM-Bidding-6823832
More Information Click Here


Tender Notice 2024: Let me know if you need more details or explanations on any of the sections, if you liked our information, please like it and share it with your other friends! Good luck

Also read:-Indian Railways 2024: Supply of Revolving Chairs (V4) for Indian Railways – GEM/2024/B/5328238 जाने Sampurnjankari.

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